Oh hi, Viv here (vivien.tanshihui@gmail.com)

Tuesday 29 October 2013

I love how it looks like a painting :')

Was trying to get a selfie with the fishes but none wanted to swim towards me 

This place is so awesome I'm planning on heading back another day. They literally leave you unbothered which is what I love cause I can photograph with peace. Best thing is, they're ok with whatever you're doing so long as you're not stealing their fishes or dripping in poison or something. I was standing on a chair and snapping my heart awayyy. Usually I would suppose that it'll be considered a dangerous act cause I could have just toppled in. 
But heh, no one stopped me. It's awesome

It's so peaceful there that I can afford to transfer my photos immediately to test some editing to see if it'd work out. And that's some fish food for me to toss when I'm feeling bored while watching photos to load (I bought a big pack of fish food yum)

Today I've experienced traveling from one end of Singapore to the other. I've finally understood Jon's daily routine I can't imagine him not having a seat on the train. No wonder he loves Jo's car rides so much. I think the traveling made him appreciate car rides alot more haha. Also I intended to head down at 5pm but somehow decide to wake up early for this. So thankful I did cause I didn't have to deal with the rain. I'm not sure why I'm so last minute with my ideas but I thank God that I manage to pull through somehow. 

My 'final' panoramic assignment

Today was a great alone day. I have alone days everyday (and I love it) but today was exceptional. I headed to Pasir Ris, had the time of my life just hoping around all the ponds. I literally left my bag unattended somewhere and walked around everywhere sending photos to my friends who knew I was on a koi expedition today. Apparently my uncle told me not to fall into these mysterious tanks cause like they rare monster fishes. That would just have been creepy and deadly haha. I had this crazy fear of falling in being kissed by all the kois. Um yay?

It's been a long while since I felt something for the school assignments that have been set and I'm glad I've finally revived. I'm happy with the final product and how it looks, I absolutely love the energy and wow I actually like my work. Yeah, haha I can say that I like my work (even if you don't, I'll still say it again) I've learnt that being in an institute does stifle a lot of things, but most importantly do what you like. Cause ultimately, it's your work. People are going to hire you for what you've done, thought and produced. People hire you for you and not your teacher, so haha like what my classmate always reminds me 'Do what you like' Haha thanks Esther :)
(Oh and thank you Evan Quek for inspiring and helping me out with this I appreciate this alot!)

I'm still lost on my final projects but thank God I actually feel for my work again. 
And I can't wait to see what's more to come!

(Btw I had Sushi on my own and that's rewarding cause I don't have to share hahahaha ok just kidding)

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